Grace Baptist Trust Corporation

Grace Baptist Trust Corporation

Serving Churches Throughout the United Kingdom

Hillfields Church, Coventry

Lower Ford Street Premises   Waterloo Street Premises

During 2018 Lower Ford Street Baptist Church and Hillfields Evangelical Baptist Church merged to become one church on two sites. The Corporation has in the past financially assisted work on the Lower Ford Street premises, and in 2020 we were pleased to approve a grant towards work on the Hillfields site. This included refurbishment of the existing toilet facilities and incorporation of the currently separate disabled toilet.

The church writes: “The toilets at the Waterloo Street premises of Hillfields Church Coventry were in such a dreadful condition that they had become a serious barrier to the church’s ministry, especially in evangelism.  Church members and the congregation were aware that the one thing every visitor may experience is the toilets.  We were so ashamed of their condition that we didn’t want any visitors to see them. In addition, the disabled toilet was of poor quality and located at the very rear of the building, separately from the main toilet block. This gave the impression to disabled people that they were second class. The GBTC grant has enabled a complete refurbishment of the toilet block, and by careful re-design, we have now incorporated the disabled toilet in the main block. Everyone is delighted with the result. We were able to hold our first evangelistic event just before lock down occurred.”


New Toilet Facilities