Grace Baptist Trust Corporation

Grace Baptist Trust Corporation

Serving Churches Throughout the United Kingdom

Maryport Street Baptist Chapel

During 2018, the Corporation awarded a grant to Maryport Street Baptist Chapel towards essential chapel and manse maintenance projects.

The church writes:

“At the end of 2018 the Grace Baptist Trust Corporation very kindly gave our Church a grant towards some projects that we had to address. These included addressing the damaged fire escape stairs, and replacing the public address system in the chapel. The grant helped to replace a very old inefficient boiler in the manse. To date the fire escape stairs have been repaired and repainted.  The manse has had a new combination boiler installed with some upgrading to the pipework.  

The pastor reports: ‘The manse is so much warmer, and is more economical to run. We are so thankful for this blessing.’  

A company to install a new PA system is about to be instructed to carry out the work. The church would wish to express their gratitude to the Grace Baptist Trust Corporation for their kindness to us at this present time, but to also thank them for their help in various matters over the years.”


Renovated fire escape at chapel