Ways you can help
By giving
We exist to serve the churches; however serving others is a costly business. You can help us by making personal donations to defray these expenses and by encouraging your church to do the same.
By becoming a personal member
Annual subscriptions are:
- Full Membership - £10.00 per annum.
- Associate Membership - £5 per annum.
Personal membership is a more committed way of supporting us in our ministry. In addition it enables you to attend our Annual General Meeting and have a say in the way the Corporation is run.
By encouraging your church to become a subscribing church
Churches that make a gift to the Corporation's General Fund during the year are entitled to send Delegates to our Annual General Meeting and so be closely involved in our ongoing ministry.
By remembering us in your will.
Friends who have remembered the work in their wills have been a source of great encouragement and help over the years.
By telling others about our work and encouraging them to support us.
Tell your friends who are not familiar with the ministry of the Grace Baptist Trust Corporation about the many services we offer and the help and advice we can give.
By telling us about the needs of churches and individuals.
If you know of a church or church member who needs our help, we would love to hear from you. We administer a number of funds that are to be used for the benefit of others in need. For details of the funds click here:Details of Funds