During 2014, the church, which had been meeting in a school, purchased a former Methodist church building. We were pleased to assist in some way towards this in the form of a loan. However, the building needed a lot of work to be fit for use.
Early in 2015 we received the following updates from the church pastor:
"After 3 week's ownership we have started to use the vestibule under the rear gallery for our Lord's Day services and hope to start transferring the teenage girls group over following the February half-term break. We will continue to operate the Sunday school and Bible Classes from Montpelier School together with the Friday night children's meeting and the Over 50's Saturday meeting. Rather than moving these latter groups we hope to start new Sunday school and week-night meeting and perhaps another 'Over 50s' meeting in the new church too. However we have no heating in the church and the floors need some attention too. In addition we are dealing with the extensive dry rot downstairs. We also hope to have a bookshop and a heritage room in the building. The only Christian bookshop in Plymouth closed two years ago and there is little on display concerning the rich Christian heritage of this City."
"... And together with an awful lot of youthful vigor in the fellowship we hope to accomplish much for the Lord with this provision of a building."

Church Work Party

Interior of building

The pewless rear gallery

Dry rot in the store room

Ready for the first service in the vestibule